Welcome to Camman Standard Plus.

Experience an evolution in standard products,
with more personalization than ever before.

Never Settle.

We’ve changed the way you see lighting, now we’re changing when. In 15 days, to be exact. Yes, we’re now offering 15 business day lead time on our standard products.

If you know Camman, you know we’re innovators, and we’ve created massive efficiencies in design, engineering and manufacturing. This has resulted in industry-leading products, and now it’s drastically reducing lead times.

This isn’t a special program. We’re rolling out 15-day lead time immediately on our most popular fixtures, which will soon apply to nearly every Camman product.

And it gets better. Our Camman Express program offered expedited shipping on some fixtures, but at an additional cost. We don’t want our customers to pay extra for efficiency. So Camman Express has been phased out, and Camman NOW has been phased in.

15-day lead time. No additional cost. That’s the Camman way.

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We're redefining lighting with innovative product programs, enhanced capabilities, greater flexibility, and superior customer service.